Graduation Photos at Seattle University

Congratulations to the class of 2023! You've all worked so hard to accomplish this incredible milestone in your lives and it truly is a special event that should be documented and captured to preserve for all your life. As someone who is a first generation college graduate in her family, I truly feel honored when graduates reach out to me to capture huge milestones like this for them. I get to not only capture the graduate, but also those that help them through the entire process, such as their parents, spouse, siblings, relatives, and siblings. The process and journey to graduation isn't easy. Many graduates will tell you that, and it's true. Now, it's time to continue to push through and let your dreams come true.

Today I want to share with you all these amazing young ladies who not only did accomplishing their dreams by graduating with their master's degree, but also supported each other to finish strong for their dreams. I couldn't have been more honored to capture these special moments for them all.

To all the graduates, congratulations. Take your time, but don't waste it. This is a new chapter in your life, and if you continue to work hard, you will see results. Results and wins come to those that put in 110% into everything they do.

Congrats to Summi, Ragini, Radhika, and Komal! You ladies are amazing!